...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Friday, November 20, 2009

day 98 blog 87 i'm thankful for...

so, so many things...but with the coop preschool thanksgiving theme and thanksgiving coming up i wanted to spend a few posts reflecting on the things that i'm thankful for...specifically, here, in this short and simple post, my FAMILY...daddy, daughter, sea, and son, story...shown here; they were in a friend's wedding in maui this past may...i'm thankful we have such wonderful opportunities with friends and to travel...i also wanted to include in this post my daughter's prayer of thankfulness...she prays something like this every night before bed...but it is just so cute word for word i may have to record it tonight...here it is as close as i can to memory...
"dear jesus...thank you for everything in the world...thank you for mommy and daddy and brudder and namenee and poppy and skye and ayva and auntie missy and auntie missy's baby...meadow geneveve flora hensel (her new cousin...she must be intrigued by her full name)...and uncle terence (clarence) and uncle michelle and auntie freddy and...(corrects herself)...auntie michelle and uncle freddy...and uncle matthew and auntie brina and auntie marci and mimi and don't forget granddaddy and hayno, and the other kind of hayno (she knows two people named hazelle)...and...(here she starts throwing in whoever she most recently hung out with...friends, cousins, playmates, teachers, people at the post office, etc)...finally, thank you for goliath" (she is intrigued by the david and goliath Bible story and asks why he would want to hurt people and so she decided he needs to be included in her prayers...thinking he is still alive i guess)...she ends with "A" -" A" - "MEN-MEN"...i really need to just put it up here in her voice along with inflections and pauses...


  1. What a beautiful life you have :) Thanks for sharing that precious prayer.

  2. Oh I have thought of doing this! I want to videotape each of them mumbling through their prayers - it is SO adorable, and they are so earnest, and the stuff they feel thankful for sometimes just blows me away.
    Thank you for sharing!


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