...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Monday, November 23, 2009

day 101 blog 90 home, mimi and family

we moved in to our home one year ago today...here in this photo story is only about 6 months old, sea barely 3...holding the little white tiger, goggin, i was telling you about...i also wanted to write a quick note about my mom, "mimi" as sea calls her...story just started saying her name yesterday and i remembered these photos of her holding him from about the same time a year ago...we take an annual photo of each child at the picture people...sea with a little pink monkey and story with this rabbit...so we can measure how much they grow as the animals get smaller...

making thanksgiving plans to be with as much family as possible, figuring out our own holiday plans and getting a xmas tree/stringing lights etc. this sunday and then trying to create and send off handmade cards with stories, postcards, photos of our life for the card swap...if i have the time and energy i'll blog about our friend ella's birthday party that we went to yesterday later tonight...and fight the html to blog the interview that goes along with the photos from yesterday...

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