this experience really was as horrible as it looks for poor little story...he is such a calm, mellow, easily pleased, delighted, happy baby that i had no idea he would FREAK out over santa. sea could barely do her usual bright smile cuz she was worried about her brother. he got over it quickly but i still felt badly. we've been taking photos of sea with santa since her 1st xmas at 5 months old (we make the photo into xmas tree ornaments for our tree and for both grandparents each year) and hope to continue to do this with both children.
i'm on m's computer so i don't have all the suppporting photos for all the things i've wanted to blog about this past month...so i won't even try to recap them all...later i'll write about my dad's birthday that just passed, what i will miss about our old home, and a few other recent happenings...
but for now i had to make an updated list of "all the little things" both kids keep "wow"ing me with...
--story just figured out how to clap two days ago and will occasionally do it on request with a big grin on his face (about a week before this he "found" his hands and kept reaching up in the sky and bouncing to watch them wiggle)
--two of my close friends have recently given birth to little girls (who have older brothers sea's age) and she understands that she is a big sister but is now fascinated by the idea of having a little sister...so she created one named bonnie. it is the cutest thing listening to her in the backseat telling bonnie things i've told her ("now you HAVE to stay buckled in your carseat to be safe..." for example)...my mom asked her if her doll was named bonnie and she said yes, but my doll is not real. i have a REAL little sister who is also named bonnie but she lives a long ways away
--this memory reminded me of a cute phrase sea likes to use "in a few whiles" as her version of "in a little while"
--sometimes when seas misunderstands what people say to her we get conversations like the following: ME: "sea, don't roll down the window or you'll let in a draft" SEA: "where? i don't see any giraffes?" or my mom told her after we burned our first fire in the fireplace that she could show her the ashes to which sea replied "mommy, i'm going to go look at the eyelashes in the fireplace"
--sea and story are so much more interactive now...they adore each other...i know story is just weeks away from walking so i'm trying to remember how adorable he is crawling full speed, bottom swaying, knees knocking on the hardwood and making howling squeaky noises trying to catch his sister who is squealing in delight and running just a little too fast to be caught but slow enough to still be chased...all through the house...in circles...on and on until the squealing becomes screaming
well...almost 2 hours after i wrote that last "little thing," i'm finally back...story was writhing around in his sleep whimpering and then crying and had one of the worst gas bubbles i can remember...like sea used to get all the time. i couldn't burp it out and finally after a lot of nursing, bouncing, jiggling, body movement, position changes, dancing all around the room, etc. i resorted to simethecone gas drops and he got out a huge belch...i'm so exhausted i forgot where i was going with all of these recent happenings in our world...
basically we moved in to our new house november 23 and i haven't updated this blog in over a month...we were without internet service for a couple weeks which put online bill paying, e-mailing, facebook status updates, etc. that i do way too often all on hold and backed up...
we've been doing so much to this house! and we still aren't unpacked, need more furniture, need more vision, more money, more time, etc. this wil definitely be an ongoing project...for now we are just glad to be here and i'm SO looking forward to planting a garden! sea has rain boots and loves to splash in puddles...today she was headed straight in to our little pond (not up and running yet but filled with rain water) and would have gone in above the boots if i hadn't stopped her. i can't wait to get her a watering can and have her help me out in the yard. i'm in an organic winter seedling coop which means we each plant a lot of two different vegetables, get the seedlings growing and then swap them...let's hope i have a place in our yard for this by the time we do the swap in january!
we are also hoping to have an open house then but it may be more like february...maybe we'll combine that with story's first birthday party...
i'm bummed i lost my train of thought on the "little things" because there are just so many of them that i try to remember and must be better about blogging even if i don't have supporting photos...for example story does a whole body gleaming smile that i haven't been able to catch on film because it is too captivating and i can't bring myself to be hidden behind a camera when he is doing it. he literally stops random people on the street with his engaging eyes and bright smile that both come out of nowhere.
also, i last posted about his two top teeth coming in but actually he had FOUR coming in at once. the middle two are crooked so if i can get him to open his mouth i'll get a photo up of those...
tonight we squeezed in an hour at a friend's "stress-free solstice party" which was nice...sea had a blast playing with the older girls (dressing up, jumping on the bed, chasing one another, dancing around) and story just wanted to keep moving, crawling, finding things...so i set him down and let other mommies watch him while i gobbled down yummy mostly organic and/or vegan and/or gluten-free goodies (i managed to fit in plenty of cheese, bread, cookies etc. too) and of course some of the costco chocolate cream pie that we brought (i want to be the happy homemaker that creates all these wonderful goodies but just am not at that place right now)...
i alluded to this but had our first fire in our fireplace the other night! i got this on video but just realized i didn't even take a photo of our family hanging out watching the wood crackle and flames leap and warming ourselves in our otherwise freezing home...oh wait, we live in san diego where 50 feels like freezing but i guess many of you dear readers actually are in freezing environments so i better stop complaining!
it was nice and warm or at least very sunny outside today...we had another first in our home sitting on our new patio furniture out in our yard. we got it from an estate sale down the street and i believe it was bought in the same era as our home...late 60's or so in a nice spring green color...we actually like it better than most of what we looked at that was available new.
well sea is talking in her sleep so i better sign off and get to bed myself...so much i haven't written about and so much to look forward to...
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