"it is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end"--hemingway
...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...
Sunday, February 28, 2010
story's second birthday party
Saturday, February 27, 2010
happy second birthday story!
Friday, February 26, 2010
i was trying to write a post last night on my iphone and it would only let me write titles and labels...so no, i'm not going anywhere (nor is this blog)...story just started saying "bye" to people...and saying "mah-mah...buh-bye?" when i'm on the phone...telling me to say bye...then we just said bye to my mom last night and headed back to san diego...
story was saying some other cute things i wanted to remember to write down like "bum-bum" for pumpkin...and i think i've written before that "twinkle twinkle little star" is his favorite song to sing...only he hums "dadden, dadden, dadden dad...dadden, dadden, dadden, dad..." hoping to get him to bed early tonight so he'll be ready for a fun filled full birthday party tomorrow...
story was saying some other cute things i wanted to remember to write down like "bum-bum" for pumpkin...and i think i've written before that "twinkle twinkle little star" is his favorite song to sing...only he hums "dadden, dadden, dadden dad...dadden, dadden, dadden, dad..." hoping to get him to bed early tonight so he'll be ready for a fun filled full birthday party tomorrow...
Thursday, February 25, 2010
visiting my mom and preparing for story's party
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
sea sick story's second

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
playgroup gardening
Sunday, February 21, 2010
organizing and creating meaningful space
ok those are just a few connections i have with these toys on display...i'm sure sea has more and i'm glad we organized and displayed them in a prominent and meaningful way in her bedroom...
off for more productivity...updates on reunion planning later...
little things,
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
clean up
on an unrelated note...i have committed to going on a "brisk" walk every morning when i first wake up...today was my first day and it felt great!
so now i will leave humming "clean up, clean up...every body every where....clean up, clean up, everybody do their share..."...oh, one slightly related thing is people who applied to kindergartens are starting to find out...san diego cooperative charter in particular...they are big on educating children as part of something "whole", outside of themselves, part of a community, etc. so i just thought about the idea of participating in that education both in school and at home...of course we haven't found out if we got in there...
sea is riding round and round and round and round more times than i can type....trike around a couch in our front room...story is nursing and playing with my other milkey...waiting for daddy so we can go get some dinner...
free association,
little things,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
reunion brainstorm and generalized anxiety
i actually chose this photo for this post because i'm spent most of the morning researching venues for our 20 year high school reunion and one of the spots is on this island. i went to high school 1.5 hours northeast of san diego but the committee wants to check out san diego and orange county beaches as more of a "destination" celebration instead of the smoggy, hot, densely populated area that is the inland empire (where i went to school). i'm torn. i think people coming back to the place where they went to school might actually want to visit said school, remember places they went, see how the area has changed, go to church at the local church (i went to a private christian school), visit family still in the area, use said family for child care...these are the pros to the inland empire (IE) but i can see the pros to san diego (SD)...mild climate when it is in the 90's or 100's in the IE, clear blue instead of smoggy skies, beaches everywhere, the zoo, cultural things to see and do, etc. that is san diego so people traveling could make more of a family vacation of the reunion and justify the costs to get out here....what do you think? would you want to go back to an undesirable area where you went to school or somewhere a couple hours away that was more desirable/beach?
so i have taken it upon myself to research different hotels in san diego. before i go into that search, i wanted to try and make a statement about my state of mind. two nights ago i went to bed early. it felt great. giving up whatever used to be a priority for what should be a priority more often...sleep. and it paid off. i woke up so refreshed i was almost literally skipping through the house. manuel noticed and chuckled at my perma-grin smile and energy usually achieved by coffee...i was ecstatic about this natural high and spent much of the day picking up the house (and re-picking it up as is my life of allowing free spirited children to run lose) without concern...happy in fact that i was productive and could accomplish so much...that of course was yesterday. today i feel like i have bi-polar disorder (and i don't mean to make light of this as i have relatives and friends who do have this) i was so irritable, frustrated, angry, depressed, exhausted...in part because i went to bed late and the children are both under the weather and woke up early (6 instead of their usual 8)...i am NOT a morning person...every little task about my day was driving me crazy and brushing kids' hair (or my own), washing off their faces, picking up anything seemed unbearable...i was going somewhere with this story...i think it should probably just be that i need more sleep and need to re-arrange my priorities...but i ate too much chocolate as my short-term solution and whether it "worked" on whatever level or not, i believed in this cure and the placebo effect was good enough...
story just woke up, i'm waiting on a plumber for a clogged toilet/shower and made the brilliant decision to do a load of laundry...of course that line is shared by the same clog...kids both begging to go play outside in the yard missing a fence (blown down in a past storm)...story is still sick and it is starting to get overcast so i don't even want to go supervise them out there...story is talking about a "bumbee" (like bumblebee...what he calls all bugs), he is now pulling over sea saying "nee, nee" to show her the bug...if i keep observing a few more minutes they will cheer me up, pull me out of my funk...now sea is making her body into a bridge between the couch and baby door inside the sliding door...story was having fun going underneath her until she decided to become a draw bridge or crash down on him over and over...story is figuring out how to un-childproof the gate..."MAHHHH-ma" he calls and tries to pull me over to see the bumbee...i love how he says "mumgee" when he wants to drink milkies...he just pointed to his sister's nose and said "no..."...i always forget to write these little things down...but i do feel cheered up...kids are off to draw together...with the forbidden "permanent ink" pens instead of the crayons, colored pens, colored pencils, chalk and regular pens in their craft bin...but sea is making up songs and singing to herself and story is happy to be included in her schemes so for now i'm ok with it...sea is now talking to herself telling a story about what she is drawing and story is rummaging through my top desk drawer finding random things like ear plugs and trying to hold them up to me to show me what he thinks they are...he, too, is humming a song only in his head...i'm grateful for these sounds of contentment...their belief that life is much simpler and happier than i am trying to make it when i get so self-absorbed...
free association,
little things,
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
too busy
just a quick note as i'm still trying to post daily...tonight i was on the phone, e-mail, facebook etc. with committee members finalizing details and then sending out a save-the-date message for our 20 year high school reunion...still would love any feedback on reunions attended or what you would hope to gain from going to yours...i promise to write more on this soon...oh, and check all your blogs tomorrow...
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
random lion photo

Monday, February 15, 2010
my birthday and perspective on life

i usually get quite self-absorbed, reflective, analytical...trying to make connections to the past and ideals for the future and sum up where my life is at NOW on each and every birthday...i had such a wonderfully lovely day with dear friends enjoying a potluck brunch with our children all scampering around and playing and then when they left our family all napping on our couch in a sunny window before heading outside to the 75+ degree san diego weather...hanging out in lawn chairs with other friends, more children playing tag in the grass...then they took us out to an italian dinner...pillow bumps with sea and story (they like to bump mommy and daddy over, too) a couple stories before bed and then down time reading e-mails and birthday wishes on facebook...
and then i read my dearest childhood friend's grandmother died today...rose...she used to bake the most amazing authentic italian eggplant parmesan and beam when i would eat helping after helping (on top of being delicious i had a very fast metabolism in those days)...and suddenly i stopped letting the world revolve around me and paused to think of my friend's loss and the loss to so many...the loss to me and losing a part of my history with her...i know there is a reason i am drawn to existentialism and the idea of focusing on life each and every moment because we all die someday but then when i am struck by loss this knowledge sinks in a little more...sits with me as something i can feel, experience...not just believe in...so go, squeeze those you love a little tighter, hold on to what you have, say the words you might not get to someday...i miss you rose...
Sunday, February 14, 2010
happy heart day!
i had to pause for this moment of gratitude, today, on valentine's day, as i'm still up every hour swimming in my head cold, fever, aches, sore muscles, headache...etc. self-absorption "poor me"...i'm really not a very good patient...i usually drink a LOT of water, pound odwalla superfood and mo' beta and anything with loads of vitamin c and get as much rest as possible. only i haven't been able to sleep...so on one of my pounding drinks and potty breaks before returning to sleep i thought i'd get in a quick post with hopefully my focus on the right thing...
Saturday, February 13, 2010
very sick. went to bed at 8 p.m. and been sleeping all day sick...fever that won't quit, runny nose that won't stop, aches, chills, pains...no appetite...haven't eaten all day...back to bed...
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
nurturing marriage

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
pink fingernail polish
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
free association,
little things,
Monday, February 8, 2010
quotas and coffee ramblings

i'm having one of those days where i'm just really behind on everything...just cleaned up breakfast and lunch messes are already taking over when i should be thinking about dinner...clothes should have been dried and piling up to be folded...bed only half-made, bills strewn around the room (i was looking for our home warranty's number to call in a claim about water damage that pushed up our hardwood floors in the living room)...been on the phone with hotel banquet managers about our reunion...again, talking quotas...how many people do i expect to come? what is the room capacity? price per person? how many people would also want to stay at the hotel? how do you guesstimate these things? going back and forth on dates and everyone has some reason a date doesn't work for them so now we have to decide how to decide whose needs are most important or how to choose? sea and story having a particularly difficult time sharing or getting along...so many "to do" lists i can't even find where i wrote them down (my husband used to joke i bought all these great books on organizing my life and the irony of course was that i was too disorganized to even FIND where i'd put them in order to begin...)
i've been borderline addicted to coffee which, i know, many people are...but i don't like things to control me...even substances...so as much as i enjoy coffee, i usually stop drinking it when i feel like i have to have a cup in order to feel ok or not get headaches or whatever...but today i caved and had a cup just to get by...that is the other problem with this addiction, i want to enjoy and savor the cup like it is special and makes me feel more energized, not like i need it to function...
really i just think i need more sleep...so some things have to go...it probably should be blogging or facebook or e-mails or spreading myself way to thin all over the place...but these things motivate me to do the mundane daily stuff...guess coffee will have to be my motivator in the short-term...still welcoming any advice on high school reunions...
Sunday, February 7, 2010
"football football" superbowl memories

growing up my dad was a huge redskins fan. when i was 11 years old i painted a huge "hail to the redskins" sign in maroon and bright yellow poster paint and put it up on our garage in southern california...they beat the dolphins that year in the superbowl (1983) and i remember my dad getting a lot of phone calls and singing "hail to the redskins...hail, victory...hail to the redskins...fight for victory..." every time he answered the phone even if the caller was not calling for that reason...he continued the song with something like "we will fight them we will beat them we will heap big score...fight on...fight on...til you have won! oh, braves of washington...RAH! RAH! RAH!" i can still hear his super excited off-key shouts with the lyrics changing almost every time (he didn't think the exact words were as important as the spirit and volume) and i'm ecstatic to realize that i'm smiling and remembering these things fondly...my dad has been gone for 3.5 years and i have not been dealing with it well...felt overwhelmingly depressed thinking about him, looking at photos, trying to imagine how life would be if he could be here for so many little things...and i'm happy to report that this "football memories" post is also one of realizing i have some resolution with losing my dad...it will never be "ok" but at least i realize i can be happy about fond memories from the past and actually feel positively recalling them instead of the ache of intense loss...i'm getting way off tangent but had to get that off my chest...or share my joy in the realization...so back to my dad and growing up singing that song and cheering for the redskins as a child...turns out they LOST the superbowl to the l.a. raiders (remember, i grew up 1 hour east of l.a.) the following 1984 superbowl so you can only imagine the phone calls we got then...i think the redskins are the only team with a song, though...then they won again in 1988 (against the broncos of all teams) when i was a sophomore in high school...then they won again in 1992 when i was in my second year of college.
...once manuel and i started dating i adopted the broncos as my secondary team. his family is originally from denver so he grew up with the entire family very involved in every broncos game...we have continued this somewhat as you can see in my little photo tribute with sea and story dressed in broncos gear below...i still cheer for the redskins if we happen to be watching them play...and sometimes i cheer for the san diego chargers (we've lived here in san diego for 5 years now)...they've gotten so close to the superbowl but not quite...but mostly i just enjoy the traditions and family together time of "football football" as sea and story refer to it...
free association,
letting go,
little things,
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