...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

too busy

just a quick note as i'm still trying to post daily...tonight i was on the phone, e-mail, facebook etc. with committee members finalizing details and then sending out a save-the-date message for our 20 year high school reunion...still would love any feedback on reunions attended or what you would hope to gain from going to yours...i promise to write more on this soon...oh, and check all your blogs tomorrow...


  1. You have a life, I'm glad for you. XD

  2. My school was TINY, so we don't have reunions. I'm happy to say I'm still in contact with almost all of my graduating class, though.

    I went to my husband's 10 and 20. I thought the 10 was really nice, but the 20 just didn't stand up. I think the big difference was location. One was in a hotel banquet room and the other in the basement banquet area of a local banquet rental place. I think another thing I really enjoyed was the 'down time'. A tour of the HS was scheduled so they could see their old stomping grounds again and that sparked a lot of really neat conversation that wouldn't have been had over dinner or dancing.

  3. Oh :) and I've nominate you for an award. Check it out at my blog.


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