but back to the idea of feeling confident and not caring what people thought after that juicy kiss...2nd grade was probably the last childhood year where i strongly believed i was meant for greatness (remember i had older neighbors...two girls about 5 years older than me... who used to build me up and say how smart i was and how brilliant i was going to be when i grew up) and that no one could stop me...i believed in myself and didn't care if i was understood. i was going to try to summarize this idea for the "theme" of second grade which i remember very fondly (i also liked my teacher a lot, mrs. sheldon) but i thought "kissing machine" would stand out more and i suppose on some level it also depicts the wild, care-free "throw-caution-to-the-wind" stance i took to life...considering my first boyfriend was at age 24 (who is also my ONLY boyfriend and now husband), i was quite far from really a "kissing machine" as i grew up...much more on that front later but for now let's focus on how much i enjoyed this year and some of the other positive things i remember about 2nd grade...
i think i've already told you what a "daddy's girl" i was and would continue to be...i regret i got so literal about finding age-appropriate photos for this post that i didn't put any of my dad in...many more of those for later posts...anyway, one thing i remember from a young age though i'm not sure it was 2nd specifically is walking down the halls of "west hall" which was my dad's building on the university where he worked...the walls and carpet were all done in dark reddish wood color and it was noticeably SILENT in there with thick, locked doors on every side...i would walk slowly and quietly (odd behavior for me usually) almost tiptoeing on my way to my dad's office where i always felt so safe and PROUD of him...he was a psychiatric social worker who HELPED people...FIXED them...made them better and in my mind, made the world go round...i believed deeply in him and believed he believed in me and i could do anything...
this was also the year that i became best friends with cara...we were in one another's weddings and crazily enough, she just moved to within a couple miles away here in san diego so our friendship has gone through a lot and gotten stronger in the 30 plus years we have known one another...again, i regret there is not a photo of her here, but there will be many of them since we continued through elementary school until she left in 10th for boarding school...we had many playdates and were inseparable from this age on but for much childhood drama in later years that i'll share in later posts...
i also want to throw in something about writing. i have a very vivid memory from a school open house...of course in my narcissistic mind i believe it was first grade but watching my daughter just learning to sound out words in kindergarten, it was probably several grades later...anyway, the memory is that the teacher asked us to write a story for our parents on that light tan paper with huge lines and a dashed line in the middle (where you practiced handwriting) and my memory isn't even about the content of my story so much as the fact that it went on and on much like my free associating writing style now...so much so that it was taped up higher on the wall than all the other stories and they were laminated so mine continued in a roll down onto the ground so you had to roll it out and step on it to read the whole thing...that makes me laugh because it was so ME and so dramatic and verbal and like i had so much to say i couldn't stop....
i also have fond memories of reading a lot at this age (mostly my parents would read to me but i was learning how to read)...this passion continued throughout all of our lives...i named my child "story" if that tells you anything...
i'm already enjoying having less photos...in part because there really are less photos of me from the grades but also because it forces me to think of actual memories instead of using photos to jog memories or direct where my thoughts will go...this one was in my previous post but i never went back to share any of the yosemite stories...the two i wanted to share (i believe i was 6 or 7 so that would have been 1st or 2nd grade) will follow after the photo...

2) i remember staying in an a-frame cabin complete with all sorts of bright 70's decor...long red shag carpet going up the stairs to the loft...we would feed wild deer in the morning and touch their velvety antlers...cook and eat together with some friends who traveled with our family...i loved these times...they were actually quite adventurous for my family...we are thinking of buying an rv to have similar adventures with our children...next we have my sister and i dressing up with our dog snowflake (more stories about him will come in future posts)...

i'm in the middle standing, also in light yellow...holding on to my favorite cousin jay (he was 8 years older than me and i had quite the crush on him)...my sister marci is looking up at us...aunt elizabeth and cousin hollie looking up at my mom...my dad was very much from the south...he kept his accent most of his life and had "virginia is for lovers" shirts and said he'd always be a virginian at heart...there are many influences from the south on my life that i'll touch on through these posts...

this post is the 4th in a series of 15 posts recording my childhood through MPT "mommy's piggy tales".