...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

day 56 blog 46 diversions

seriously i need to just blog about the whole month of september...oh but now we are in october...so i need to go for about 2 blogs a day to catch up...i have some cute photos from our road trip and hosted coop preschool today...calendar theme...not too many photos but funny lessons...sea started drawing arms and legs on her happy faces...even earrings today...yesterday she started writing out letters to spell words (we haven't been going over this at all except that her initials are "s" "e" "a". so she is interested in spelling people's initials...story started roaring like a dragon out of a storybook we read on the road trip...he says so many new sounds i forget where they all came from or when they began...this is the age for word explosion so i'll try to keep up daily on that...hmm...this is a true free association post...

yesterday i intended to go to coronado library's storytime followed by playing at the park...forced myself to go on a walk even though i was running late...dropped off something for one neighbor who was going with her daughter to the zoo so then sea wanted to hurry so we could go to the zoo, too...she was listing all the animals she wanted to see and we were intending to try and make it there instead...when i ran into another neighbor...sea wanted to see their play equipment and play house which lead to an impromptu couple hours of swinging, hanging from rings, climbing, playing in their playhouse, building with blocks, talking on the phone, riding toys...drinking smoothies...i forget all we did but it was nice to connect and make a new friend...milan was just over 2 so in between story and sea in age...then daddy called that he got off work early so we got to have lunch with him and run errands together which meant our evening started earlier...earlier dinner, bath, stories and bedtime! but blogging didn't get to happen cuz we spent a long time trying to migrate data from our old computer to our new one (hopefully i'll have regular internet soon)...on the phone with applecare most of this morning...no time to prepare to host preschool...so many things to blog about later...just didn't want to get more than 24 hours behind without making a short list of what i hope to later cover...

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