...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

a blogging challenge

no photo...fussy kids and too much to do today...

i posted roughly once a week last year. this year i have challenged myself to at least double that. one way i'm going to meet this goal is to peruse my fellow blogging friends' blogs once a week; pick my favorite or at least the one that pulls me in some way or inspires me or i can relate with or is just random or whatever, and then i will blog on that topic along with a link to said blog. i thought if i could get other bloggers in on this idea, we would all blog more, be more connected, be able to relate with one another more and, well, find solutions to some of the same conundrums we all tend to blog about.

this process will be fairly random...just the blog that leaps out at me on any given moment i am catching up on reading them; so i hope i don't offend anyone if i don't choose yours for awhile....send me links to your blog if you want to participate and don't think i'm already reading your blog...

the OCD aspects of my personality are really wanting to micro-manage and control how i go about doing this, but if you read the previous post, the emphasis here is going to be on living and experiencing life, not finding meaning, trying to understand or capture it in photos or words...i'll start the first blog inspired post tonight after the children are sleeping...let me know any suggestions you have for this endeavor!

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