...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

halloween playdate chaos, restless lack of sleep, etc.

if i could post the photos from any given day's post the next day i think i'd be able to blog daily...i usually have at least a little i have time to write about...but to upload the photos and then go through them to pick some for the post...not so much...today i hosted a halloween playdate at my house. it was for the younger siblings or story-aged children...fabric ghosts, foam pumpkin stickers, pipe cleaner and pom pom spiders...i'm not even sure i took a photo of these crafts...my vision was to put them on a garland in the front window...so tomorrow i'll hope to finish my vision, photograph it and get a photo up...tonight i could NOT get sea to fall asleep...it is 10:30 and she just went to sleep...story started coughing and rolling around like he was going to wake up just as she went to sleep and then kyra chimed in with some barking (frustrated she didn't get to play much today since i left her outside during the playdate)...the playdate was fun...sweet sparkling champagne, coffee, juice, i made gluten-free banana pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, scrambled eggs with pureed spinach and mozzarella cheese that looked like spider webs...everyone brought yummy food for the potluck and it was nice time with kids and moms and chaos...i still have a LOT to clean up...i meant to not let the children play in sea or story's rooms...only bring out a few toys or have them make forts out of blankets or something low maintenance but of course story was excited to show kids toys, zoom around on cars/bikes so i let it go...right now i'm supposed to be getting out an update to sea's class as room mom...so back to what i should be doing with hopes of more of what i'd like to do sometime tomorrow...oh, and i teach art corps for the first time this year in sea's class tomorrow afternoon...

1 comment:

  1. We had a blast, my little Snow White and me. Thank you for hosting. I felt like the wicked witch for bringing non-gluten free cookies!


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