1) i need the external motivation to blog more
2) i have a little bit more free time in april
3) i liked the topic of "sprout"...more on this later...
4) nablopomo is merging with blogher and the annual conference this summer is where i live here in san diego...if i end up attending this i'd actually like to be an active blogger
i'm so scattered and tired and distracted...so here are a few more photos of our new puppy kyra that took forever to load and they seem to be low resolution and fuzzy but at least the idea and movement of the moments is still here...
i was hoping to do a photo a day for 365 days but i don't really think/write like that...so maybe at the end/beginning of each month i'll go back and do a month recap of all the photos and experiences i photographed but didn't write or blog about...
i also have decided not to follow so many blogs this time. i was trying to be fair about commenting and keeping up with people's blogs but it was at the expense of writing in my blog, living my life, time with family. so for the month of april while i'm blogging every day, i'll allow myself to read one meaningful blog and comment while the photos are uploading for that day's post. i'm committing to this publicly which is funny because i have few readers but the few i'm going to go back to comment on are people i really care about...two i'll share with you here:
on the topic of meaning, my local friend andrea is writing about 365 days of meaning here and my blogger and fellow mommy friend amanda of i am mommy just had a new baby along with some amazing newborn photos here...if you are looking for people with integrity, sincerity, good writing, meaningful dialogue/questions, you should check these blogs out!