wow...almost 2 weeks since i last wrote...i guess i do need to challenge myself to something daily or write several posts at a time or something to keep active...don't even have the time/energy to go into why i haven't been on here...been sick over a week...blogger was down two days ago...drama with friends...anyway, manuel's brother matt and his fiance sabrina are visiting this weekend and sea made them this adorable book...literally in a few minutes as we were gathering our things to go out to dinner...i love it because i can hear HER...her voice, her emotions, her love for them and for her life. and i love her drawings. i want to get her published. i'm glancing over at our calendar hanging by the computer and it still says april with last year's photo of sea and story eating candy by their easter bunnies and easter baskets...that sounds about right for how behind i am! anyway, here is her book along with my quick interpretations (we don't try to correct her on spelling as it seems to encourage her to try to figure out sounds when she does it on her own):

auntie brena and uncle "math you" (matthew) by sea illustrated by sea written by sea

my auntie and uncle came here

they gave us a map. you have a map now (she made her "p's" backwards)

thank you i said. you are welcome.

i wanted to fly the kite but i didn't get to.

i forgot all about it.

i had fun until...

i had to stop

that's about where i'm at..."i had fun until i had to stop"...i'm definitely enjoying life but wish i had time to document it...sea woke up...off to go snuggle with her in bed