...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

day 52 blog 43 loriepalooza

this is a photo of us from my dear friend lorie's bachelorette party...outside don giovanni in napa...i wanted to take just a moment to reflect on the tragic and way too early loss of her 1 year ago today. this was probably the hardest 1 year milestone losing my dad...how to celebrate him and honor all that he was on "his" day...only without him. i feel like i should be spending this day with lorie and all of her friends at loriepalooza (friends gathering to remember her for a weekend up north)...that is the odd thing about grieving...especially on the day you lost someone...you feel like they should be there, too...but such is life...i just came from northern california last weekend and was struck by how many landmarks reminded me of times spent with lorie...working at brava terrace (also gone), shopping at the outlet malls, eating at gillwoods, hanging out at the napa valley roasting company...and all the random places in between...she had a profound positive effect on so many people and i know her spirit lives on through them but i wish she was here to be a part of loriepalooza and keep everyone laughing...


  1. So sorry. My mind cannot even get around losing a child...

    ...and for you to have lost a parent. I am truly sorry!


  2. I got the shivers reading that post. Lorie was awesome. Love that picture. She will be forever remembered as Lorie.


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