...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

day 22 blog 23 through the looking glass

my dad took this photo...somewhere in europe on a trip he went on with my mom days before sea was born...if you look closely you can see his reflection through the bus window...that is kinda where i'm at right now...like i can just kind of see him everywhere and not at all at the same time...i know he will always be there in spirit and memory but he's also sort of like a haze and i hate that. i want to see him clearly. have him here. hug him. talk to him. just be with him. have him hold sea and story on his lap and make them laugh. and sing off key with them. and tell them stories. i'm feeling quite sorry for myself tonight...two glasses of wine didn't help...also going through old photos doesn't help either...well, that is all for now...

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