...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Friday, October 1, 2010

smiles...sea showing off her lost tooth

sea lost her first tooth last saturday and i haven't been able to let it go...i've wanted to blog about several topics but couldn't move past this one with all the cute shots of her leading up to losing her tooth. we made a pillow together (still have to make the little tooth fairy and tiny pocket for the tooth on top) but even those photos didn't quite come together with my ideal of this process...i joined nablopomo for october to motivate myself to move on...keep posting even if i'm not as moved...november is their biggest "post every day for a month" month with prizes for those who do...the theme this month is PLAY which i figure i can focus a lot on...both in time together with sea between school and alone with story...plus i'm going to start recording my childhood weekly beginning with my birth story on october 7...if you'd like to join this process sign up here and they recommend you not only look through old photos and things that remind you of your childhood but focus on PLAYING yourself to remind yourself what childhood feels like...
so here is sea the monday after losing her tooth showing it off to her classmates...

i love the profile shots...
and of course showing her teacher...
finally, she found brooke who had lost the same tooth a couple weeks ago...
proud toothy grins...
and i'll leave you with my favorite, a close-up of their smiles with a missing tooth...
sea had picture day at school yesterday and i told her to try and smile with her teeth so we could see the missing tooth...that advice may back fire on me as i remember my responses to my mom's similar requests were either the opposite or an exaggerated version of her request...we'll know in a couple of weeks...


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