...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

rain, bubbles and reading

we don't get to wear rain coats much here in san diego...as evidenced by how short sea's is (hat obviously no longer fits, short sleeves)...and story's is a hand-me-down for sea...she kept telling everyone "he's not a girl...do you think he's a girl because he's wearing a girl's rain coat?" though i try to break gender stereotypes she still picks these things up somewhere...it is raining here now...not very exciting news but i feel like it is "raining" so many things in my life right now i just don't have the energy to think, analyze and write about all of them so i'm posting one quick photo and an idea to meet my nablopomo daily quota and will try to be more interesting in the next few days...off for a hot bubble bath (i splurge a little on california baby overtired and cranky bubble bath since i figure that description could almost always help my children...oh, and me...and it is all natural and smells good...aromatherapy... and comes with a bubble wand inside...it is also a lot cheaper at target than on their site)...whilie on this topic one other little thing is how much story loves bubbles and points them out all over the place... and a little reading...i'm reading the blue shoe by anne lamott and though this book is fiction, i can see a lot of "her" in there so far and have enjoyed several of her previous books like operating instructions: a journal of my son's first year...she is an odd mix of liberal in politics and lifestyle but quite religious or at least spiritual and dedicated to God and i must say i have friends in both camps but few with both qualities and would like more people in my life like her...so forgive me for choosing sleep and relaxation over a thoughtful and meaningful post...maybe you'll read something by lamott and be moved (or at least laugh...she is a great writer and very witty even if you don't agree with her)...

1 comment:

  1. I've only read Bird by Bird and that was terrific. A nice bath sounds perfect right now.


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