...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Friday, December 11, 2009

day 120 blog 106 xmas letter brainstorm

i've been writing our "holiday letter" in my head for weeks now...keep adding and leaving out things...as confident as i can be in some areas i can be very insecure and obsess over not doing some things perfectly...this being one of those things...i really wanted to get this last photo of sea and story hugging in our holiday card (read about the photo shoot and julie here) but it didn't make it...i'll write a blog post with the completed letter as it should catch many of you up with out life...

i'm motivated to write something briefly today because one of the most inspirational bloggers i've been following, amanda, of i am mommy, wrote a post on the importance of making comments on others' posts and she included a note about me that was very flattering, but, well, i don't feel like i've been quite the mommy i'd like to be recently (blame it on holiday busyness?)...i'd love to blog a post on why she means so much to me, but, well, don't want to do it now just for a "comment for a comment" sake...so i'll get around to that after posting photos from thanksgiving (yes i'm that far behind), holiday coop preschool days, visiting cousins, more of sea's drawings...i can't even remember all the things...if i can average 2 a day for the last couple weeks of the month i'll be caught up to a post a day...

looking forward to meeting many of the new people that have stopped by...enjoying finding your blogs! thanks again amanda...now to go write that holiday letter and not obsess over it too much...


  1. That is a lovely photo of your kids. Wow, you have some really great shots for a lifetime :)

    It's so cool to be recognized on another blog. Congrats my friend!!

    Kristin - The Goat

  2. Ah - how's the letter coming???
    Last year I wrote ours, but didn't make it to the store to have it copied in time. So I thought I'd write a New Year's letter. Only, by the time the end of January rolled around, I realized it was too late for that.
    Ended up doing a "Valentine Letter" last year.

    Got this year's Christmas letter out last week - and it felt so good. LOL

    Hope you're close to finished - and not obsessing. *grin*


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