...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Monday, October 17, 2011

life beginning and life ending

my cousin dave, who i grew up with...all major holidays together (thanksgiving, xmas, 4th of july, etc) just had a baby on the 14th. three days later his mom died. she was a very strong (physically and emotionally) woman who i thought would live until she was 100 so this came as a shock to us both i believe.  dave sent me this e-mail:

"I wanted to let you know my Mom passed away in her sleep last night in Fl.   She was not sick and went joyfully to her Lord with no surffering

You only have one Mom......"

i think that last part is directed at me (i've gotten frustrated with my mom recently)

anyway, no photos for this idea but it has gotten me thinking about life and how i live it and how life comes and goes...also missing my dad...looking forward to reuniting in heaven...

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