...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Monday, August 15, 2011

happy 39 and a half birthday to me!

this is my 1st grade photo...my daughter sea starts 1st grade in 3 weeks...today is my half birthday (yes, i do keep track and sometimes--personally--celebrate my halves!)...noteworthy to me for two reasons...i'm half the way through the last year in my 30's and i don't feel anything different. in a good way. i usually over-analyze where i'm at in life, what i've done (get nostalgic) or what i still hope to do...more specifically, who i hope to be...figuring myself out...not feeling good enough, often depressive on my birthday and/or half birthday. but today i was struck by how normal i felt. how i went about through a typical daily routine of things i needed to do and was less self-absorbed than usual...right now my daughter is having a "late up night" watching some adventure journey show with her dad and i feel i'm missing out...so, much more to say on this topic of myself and my birthday and ideals and goals and mommy journey but i'll save it for the early morning if i can get up before my family...

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