...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

balancing act

i had trouble moving past that post about sea and the spider...i've vowed to try and understand her (and assume she has sweet motives) instead of being quick to judge...

i also had trouble forcing myself to post every day for NABLOPOMO so i'm hoping this month to just post when i have time and feel compelled. i know from past experience i have to keep posts within 2 to 4 days or i let the blog slide entirely...

so, here i am balancing so much. such is the life of being a mom. sea is watching classic richard scarry episodes (manuel got the videotape off ebay) and story was napping (of course he came in here half asleep as i was just typing this)...nursed him back to sleep...

puppy and kitten both napping...normally i'd want to nap more than most else...today i got quite a bit done (story is waking back up as i type)...so i was excited for this 15 minutes of so of down time to type in this blog...once i sit down with time to myself my mind goes blank...nothing i have to write about or reflect on seems blog-worthy or interesting anymore...

story is calling out to me so more later :)

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