...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Monday, March 7, 2011

idealizing my moment in the castle top with my daughter

yesterday was my son's 3rd birthday party...i took over 500 photos and have a lot of details to share at some point but for now the idea stuck in my head (and all i have time for) is the moment i spent with my daughter after everyone had left and my son and husband were taking a nap...i made myself get up out of bed, turn off the movie i put on for my daughter and said "sea, let's go have 1 hour of mommy and sea time in the jumpy house!" she didn't hesitate...we played chase, jumped to different colors, ran in circles, climbed, slid, slid upside down backwards, she slid through my legs, through a tunnel, we read books...but my favorite moment is when we had climbed up together on the perch in between this jumping area and the top of the slide and i was looking out of the windows, down the canyon, around our yard, the grey skies above and it was gorgeous and photo worthy and I WAS OK JUST EXPERIENCING IT INSTEAD! this is ironically, the photo that was never taken, the picture that stays in my mind the most vividly from the party! it was lovely and i'm so glad i took the extra time to be with her...wish i'd done the same with my story before i got too caught up in party prep and maintenance...

just as we were about to finish playing in the jumpy sea made this sign right outside the entrance:
"mommy and sea's jumpy house. sign your name"...she told me i had to sign in before entering...here is one photo of story telling everyone he is now THREE...more photos to come...

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet. I sometimes have a hard time putting down the camera to just experience things in the moment, I really need to focus more on doing that, for sure!!


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