...random experiences, observations and thoughts of my daily life as mommy...past journeys and dreams of journeys yet to be taken creating my life story as i go...

Friday, April 23, 2010

the irony didn't escape me

if i start every post with a disclaimer about how busy i've been and how i regret not posting more, well, i'll always be writing about that and never move on...so i'm going to start with small stories like this one and when i have more time i'll fill you in on reunion planning, kindergarten searching, general life in our home, hanging out at the beach, coop preschools, gardening, sea's much more detailed drawings, vacation planning, to do lists, dreams...so many things...reading is also one of the things i haven't had time for that i really miss. this book, shown here in its soaked state (story to follow) is one that i love going back to and still haven't quite read cover to cover...i've analyzed all sorts of sections like "how clutter affects you" and "so why do people keep clutter" and "letting go" and even tried strategies in sections like "how to clear your clutter" and "staying clutter free" (she even breaks it down to clearing your body, mental clutter, emotional clutter and spiritual clutter...all things i can relate with)...so i know the theories and the strategies but somehow i am not LIVING them...

so here is the story...funny, it is about my son, NAMED story...

i was taking a very non-relaxing bath, home alone with my two children...sea was busy drawing or reading or entertaining herself somewhere and story was hanging out with me in the bathroom while i tried to soak for just a second...that second got too long and next thing i know, story is up on a step stool running the sink water full blast on this book...

and i freaked out. got crazy, screamed at him...like he had ruined some secret solution i had to living clutter free or drowned a symbol of relaxation or something very self-absorbed and ridiculous...

and as i was watching myself scream at him in the mirror, i was also staring down at the title of this book and remembering what the book is about...literally there is a section on letting go of everything in your life "hold on to nothing" is the book she refers to how if something is stolen from you or you pass it on, it makes space for something else you need in your life...so clearly it was time to pass this book on and LIVE these ideas

but i just had to share a story that later i can chuckle about but in the moment i realized i need to be more present with my children and myself and deal with emotional baggage that they don't deserve to have thrown at them...

i am particularly aware of these ideas knowing my daughter, sea is off to kindergarten in the fall...just about 4 months away. so i'm really hoping to blog more regularly if nothing more than to get all the little moments down...but if i'm not on here often it is hopefully because i'm filling my time with my children and trying to be less self-absorbed.


  1. Great retro-spection here... I love that you recognized a growth opportunity and grabbed it!!!

    Be blessed!

  2. Clutter Busting is another great book that helps you recognize why we have clutter.

    I hate that moment when you realize you are screaming over something stupid. I find myself doing it far too often sometimes.


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