i have trouble letting go of things...this dutrailier glider has been in our lives since just before story was born...sea was so colicky and fussy, up all hours of the night that i SWORE i would have a rocker/glider for our second child...of course story slept through the night early and my ideals of rocking the two together (nursing story while reading to sea for example) were quickly shattered by the reality of sea's spirited ever-moving nature...by the time she was old enough to settle down and let me read to her, story was over being held for long and wanted to wiggle away himself...so i've held on to this rocker imagining "what if" we have another child..."what if" sea and story are eventually in the same place attention-wise to have me read to them simultaneously..."what if" visitors really need to use a rocker...ok you get the point...but i have several really cute photos of our times in this rocker the past two years i thought i would post here before we sell it...(i'm hoping to pass it on to a mom i know or at least a friend of a friend so it won't be far away)...hope this next photo isn't too "in your face"...i have never been too shy about breast feeding in public so i don't figure there is more showing here than i would show in a public place...
daddy falling asleep with story asleep in his arms...sea probably telling me she needs to go potty...
daddy holding "two ones"...
me in the early days where sleep was hard to come by for all of us...you can see it is easy to crash in this chair/ottoman...
close up...
daddy giving sea a few tickles...
sea and story very serious about posing together...
a good view just of the chair if you are checking out this blog to buy it!
and finally, story using the ottoman to pull up (yes it locks!)...
Oh, Denise, I'm LOL for several reasons. # 1 I did a post on my poor early 90s vacuum and the final "walk" to the trash ... and then the new Dyson showing up. It was funny, I get attached too to such stuff! Great post.